
Whether you are interested in joining our local church or just looking to see what we are all about, you are always welcome at Life of God. We are a loving group of people, and we hope that you sense that love from the very beginning. Below is a general idea of what to expect during your visit at Life of God.

Life Lessons 101

Our 9:00AM class goes beyond the normal Sunday School platform. We focus on the core beliefs of Life of God and train others to become effective in soul winning and Bible based life skills.

Morning Manna

Our 10:00 AM ONLINE & In-Person Sunday service is generally taught by Pastor P.D. Giles or an invited guest. The teachings are biblically based and focused on restoration, exposing and removing the layers in our lives that have kept us from walking in victory.

Thursday Night Live

Our 7:00PM CST Life of God Experience takes Life Lessons to another step. Join us right here on the website, the Boxcast TV App, Facebook, Twitter, or YouTube each Thursday evening for an interactive time of Biblical devotion and/or targets of prayer. It is truly, a Life of God Experience! 

Help! What Do I Wear?

Finding the right attire can be intimidating. We understand the frustration. That’s why we support a modest apparel. We don’t want you to feel uncomfortable. Whether casual, business, or formal, you are welcome to visit with us at Life of God.

Making Contributions

One of the great things about giving to LOGIC, is that you know for certain that your giving is being used to further the work of the ministry. We do not stand on corners and ask for help. Neither do we operate based on any agreement from the government to support us. LOGIC functions solely on the generosity of its attendees and others like you, who sense the leading to support us. The generosity of the Lord’s precious people helps us to operate in the capacity that we do. This support has enabled us to worship in a beautiful and secure facility, a weekly TV broadcast (UANetwork.tv), as well as various outreach work, and many areas of media and advertising material. We believe that we are called to worship God with our entire life, including our resources. We pledge to be faithful stewards of your generosity, and LOGIC takes great care in how we manage those gifts.

At the beginning of every calendar year, we prepare financial statements that are distributed to you (based on the latest address you’ve given). These statements serve as a witness to both God and man as to your generosity to LOGIC during the previous year.


  1. IN PERSON: Bring your gift & place it in the offering receptacle during worship (ATM in the hotel lobby).
  2. MAIL: Checks/money orders may be sent to P. O. BOX 600566, Dallas, Texas 75360.
  3. PAYPAL: Send your gift to LOGIC at info@lifeofgodchurch.org or simply click here.
  4. CASH APP: Download the Cash App on your phone and send your gift to $Lifeofgodchurch.
  5. WIRE TRANSFERS: There are other ways of making a contribution such as Wills or Living Trusts, Gifts of Stock, Retirement Assets, and also Donor Advised Wire Transfers to PNC Bank (Life of God Institutional Church, Inc.)

Our Dedication

We are dedicated to creating enriched environments that enhance the lives of all who believe. We focus on the finished & redemptive work of Jesus Christ.

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